Tuesday 1 December 2009


For my magazine i wanted to have photos which had the people looking like they were clubbing or 'raving'. I did this by using lots of bright colours and i used glowsticks because they are bright lights.
I also used pictures that i have already taken. The reason i used these is because i took some photos at a music festival and there were lots of bright colours which people had on their faces.
In my double page spread i used photos of my firends looking urban this is because the double page spread was about a dj and an mc. DJ's and MC's are stereotypically known as 'chavs' which are urban looking people who wear baggy trousers lots of silver jewellery, hats, bandanas and they usually show alot of attitude in their facial expressions.

These photos are the ones that i took for my double page spread. I only used the bottom 2 photos. The reason i used this was because i thought these photos give the most attitude.

Tuesday 10 November 2009


I have looked on the Internet on a website called Dafont.com to find different font styles I have come up with 3 fonts that i liked and i have listed the name of the font next to the title writing. I wrote in the name of what i wanted my magazine to be called which was "Trip Out!" I then compared them all with each other to see which one i preferred. Instead of choosing just one for the title i combined them all together.
This is the outcome:

I was going to combine of all the fonts combined between the fonts aaaiight!, Juice and Philly Sans.
I would used the T from the font PHILLY SANS because it is bold and it stands out and the font aaaiight doesn't use capital letters. The O & ! from the font JUICE this is because i preferred these letters in these fonts compared to the other ones. And the rest of the text was in the font AAAIIGHT! i did this because i like the design of the the font. But it only uses smaller case letters. This image will look bigger on the front of the front cover on the mag zine. This is what i was going to use for my magazine. But it is too complicated to do so i have just stuck to using the font PHILLY SANS. The reason why i have used his font is because the magaizne would go to people that are go out clubbing and usually on the clubbing posters it has this type of font.

I used the font LILY PUC on my double page spread and on the contents page. The reason i have used this font is because it is more fomal for an interview conversationand it is woiuld be easier for the readers to read.


Tuesday 3 November 2009


For this part of the main coursework I will be analysing the front covers of two dance magazines. The first magazine i will be analysing is"mixmag". This magazine is the worlds biggest selling dance magazine aimed to young adults aged 18 and over and to both female and male. The cover image on the front of the page is large so it attracts more attention, some of it overlaps on the title which is at the top of the magazine. The cover image is singer "Goldfrapp" she is used because inside the magazine the main article is about her. Goldfrapp is dressed in pink this is to go with the writing and labels on the magazine.
You cant use lots of colours on a magazine because it costs too much money, so they usually just stick to 4 colours. The colours that they have used are pink, purple, white & black. The tag line for the magazine is "THE WORLDS BIGGEST DANCE MUSIC MAGAZINE" which means that they are the worlds biggest selling dance music magazine. This magazine isn't formal its informal this is because it is based to the younger generation, and because if it was formal then it would be mostly news and text. They have used the same font on the whole of the magazine cover but the font is larger and bolder than some other bits of the cover. This is too make the main and more important story lines stand out.

The second magazine i am going to be analysing is "DJ Mag" this magazine is also informal because it is only aimed to the younger generation. And the younger audience wouldn't have as much interest reading it if it was formal.
There is a main photo centred in the middle of the magazine, this is because the main article is about who has been nominated for the "King DJ". The colours on this page stand out because the background and the text is in black and white. Then the main image is black and white but is covered in different colours of patterns and odd shapes on it. This would of cost more money because they have used so many colours. They have also used different colours on a background to make text stand out. the tag line for this magazine is "LIVING & BREATHING DANCE MUSIC", this has a meaning because the magazine is based on the genre of dance music. The main title is big and centred left. which covers some of the photo this is too make it stand out from the photo. They have used many different fonts on this magazine.

This is a double page spread for the magazine "MixMag". In this double page spread there are two main images, on each page.There is only a little amount of text on these articles because the page is mostly filled out by the image. The target audience in this magazine is 18+ because it is about raves and rave is one of the most favourite music genres for teenagers because the beat to the music is quick beat. The images in this double page spread doesn't really have much to do the style of music, this is because there are random pictures of toilets, and peoples legs. But they also have images of people raving in the clubs, but they aren't just teenagers they are older people in there late 20's. Which means that the target audience is also to older people of the age of up to the age of 40. The colours they have used for "MixMag" are yellow, red, green, blue and pink. I think they use these colours because these are the type of bright colours that are classed as "rave colours" and body paint usually comes in this colour which a lot of people wear. Also the lights in clubs are usually this colour. Because these colours are used on the magazine more people would buy the magazine because it will stand out more with the bright colours which catch your eyes. The back background of this page makes all the text and pictures stand out more. And it will draw more customers to buy the magazine because most magazines usually have a white background with black text and a few colourful pictures. The text on the double page spread doesn't stand out at all, because the font size is so small.

This is the contents page for "MixMag", the main image is centred in the middle of the page with all the text round it. The text around the image is the page titles, which tells the reader what is in the magazine. The layout of the text is neatly layed out because they are in a column which is on the left hand side of the image.

The colours that are used are yellow, white and red; these colours make the contents page stand out, these colours also attract the reader because yellow is a bright colour and the audience will look at the yellow first and see what is written there. The black background on the yellow writing makes the yellow stand out more so the audience will definitely be attracted to this piece of writing. I think the pictures stand out more so I think this is a disadvantage because no one would really look at the writing on it. I think the pictures attract the audience more because they are big, bold and neatly done. The colours in the contents page are not the same as the front cover, there are two colours the same white and red but the front cover stands out more because the writing is bigger. The font in this contents page is quite bold and big so it does stand out but not that much, the font will not attract the audience the colour will so the colours are an advantage in this contents page.The information is organised not that well because the writing is not that bold so no one will really read it they will look at the images, the writing written in yellow stands out but the rest of the writing does not. It tells us that the magazine focuses more on the images than the text; on the front cover of the magazine the title is clear and bold.There are promotional features on the contents page and that is that you can have Kerrang! Magazine delivered right at your door for £6.00 a month. I think this is a good idea because Kerrang! Directors will get more profit for the magazine if the audience buy this, they will get more money if they will buy the magazine regularly. The magazine logo is not on the contents page I think this is a disadvantage for the magazine because having the logo on the contents page is promotional. Overall I think the magazine contents page is good and well organised they just need to make the writing stand out more and change the colours.


For my music magazine I will have to choose of a genre and a target audience for the type and age of people that I am going to be aiming this magazine to.
The genre I am going to do is dance; this will be aimed at young adults aged from 18 and over. This is because in the magazine I would be able to include dance nights at clubs; this can only apply to 18 year olds and over because you have to be 18 and show identification to get into these clubs. The type of people it would be aimed to are young, have wild evening lifestyles, and have a passion for dance music.


For my task in this main coursework i will be designing and producing a front cover, contents page and a double page spread for my own new music magazine. I will be producing my work by using software programmes such as Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.

Wednesday 21 October 2009


In this main assignment i will have to design and produce a magazine front cover, contents page and a double page spread for a new music magazine, to do this i will be using Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. I will also be writing a blog which outlines my planning decisions and will be evaluating my work.

Tuesday 6 October 2009


My Media AS preliminary coursework task for this year will involve deigning a cover and contents page for a Sussex Downs magazine. My work will be produced using Adobe InDesign and using my own original photographs that i have taken. I will also have to write a brief blog, outlining my planning decisions and evaluating my work. The target audience for my magazine is from 16-20 year olds that attend Lewes Sussex Downs College. I have named my magazine "LSDC" because it stands for Lewes Sussex Downs College. I thought this was an appropriate name because this magazine will be read by Lewes Sussex Downs College students. We took pictures of one person, this was for the front cover of the magazine and i had the choice out of my favourite two pictures. These are the pictures.

I used the second picture because on the front cover of a magazine the photo has to be their head and shoulder. It can’t be of their body as well. If i cropped the first photo, the photo would be too small to have as a main photo. The reason i chose this picture was because it relates to my front line of "Rock in the bog" which is a music festival which many students go to and they dress up. This relates to my target audience because most students go to music festivals such as Reading, Guilfest, Glastonbury etc.

This is my finished magazine:

I think my finished magazine is succesful but not as succesful as i hoped, this is because i hadnt followed my planning that i had created before. In order to make it better i could of followed the plan that i had made. I also could of put more thought into what articles will be in the magazine which are listed on the front cover of the magazine. The elements that i am pleased with are the photos that i have, i thought this was easy because i have recently taken these photos at a music festival. The elements i need to improve is the layout of the text because it is a bit messy. And think of a colour cheme becuase the text does not go with the background. I also would make the Contents Page more attractive because it looks a bit bland.