Tuesday 10 November 2009


I have looked on the Internet on a website called Dafont.com to find different font styles I have come up with 3 fonts that i liked and i have listed the name of the font next to the title writing. I wrote in the name of what i wanted my magazine to be called which was "Trip Out!" I then compared them all with each other to see which one i preferred. Instead of choosing just one for the title i combined them all together.
This is the outcome:

I was going to combine of all the fonts combined between the fonts aaaiight!, Juice and Philly Sans.
I would used the T from the font PHILLY SANS because it is bold and it stands out and the font aaaiight doesn't use capital letters. The O & ! from the font JUICE this is because i preferred these letters in these fonts compared to the other ones. And the rest of the text was in the font AAAIIGHT! i did this because i like the design of the the font. But it only uses smaller case letters. This image will look bigger on the front of the front cover on the mag zine. This is what i was going to use for my magazine. But it is too complicated to do so i have just stuck to using the font PHILLY SANS. The reason why i have used his font is because the magaizne would go to people that are go out clubbing and usually on the clubbing posters it has this type of font.

I used the font LILY PUC on my double page spread and on the contents page. The reason i have used this font is because it is more fomal for an interview conversationand it is woiuld be easier for the readers to read.

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