Tuesday 1 December 2009


For my magazine i wanted to have photos which had the people looking like they were clubbing or 'raving'. I did this by using lots of bright colours and i used glowsticks because they are bright lights.
I also used pictures that i have already taken. The reason i used these is because i took some photos at a music festival and there were lots of bright colours which people had on their faces.
In my double page spread i used photos of my firends looking urban this is because the double page spread was about a dj and an mc. DJ's and MC's are stereotypically known as 'chavs' which are urban looking people who wear baggy trousers lots of silver jewellery, hats, bandanas and they usually show alot of attitude in their facial expressions.

These photos are the ones that i took for my double page spread. I only used the bottom 2 photos. The reason i used this was because i thought these photos give the most attitude.

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